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Flyfisihng guides australia

Your Host & Fly Fishing Guide

Flyfishing guide Clinton Isaac is the owner and host of the Australian Flyfishing Lodge. He grew up in the Blue Mountains, west of Sydney, where he learnt the art of flyfishing at a very young age on Australian native fish and trout. Looking for new adventures he soon found himself taking his fly rod to the Australian saltwater scene enjoying the endless opportunities it had to offer.


It wasn’t till later in life that he stumbled into guiding and soon turned this casual work into a full time job guiding all around the far north of Australia and also taking his clients on hosted trips to international locations. With his true passion being flats and sight flyfishing there was only one place in mind he had to continue his guiding career, Australia’s premier saltwater fly-fishing destination, Hinchinbrook Island. After spending five seasons guiding at Hinchinbrook Island, it was an easy decision to set up Australia’s first saltwater flyfishing lodge at the perfect flyfishing destination.

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